studying in canada

The study permit is a document issued to allow foreign nationals to study at designated learning institutions (DLIs) in Canada. Most foreign nationals need a study permit to study in Canada.

Before applying for a study permit at a Canadian visa office, you must first get a letter of acceptance from a Designated Learning Institution (DLI).

The letter must be issued by the Canadian institution (e.g. school district, University, etc.) on official letterhead, showing the exact amount of tuition fees you are required to pay, the anticipated starting and finishing dates and the date by which you need to register. Once you have your acceptance letter, you can complete and submit an application for a study permit.

What requirements must I meet to get a study permit?

In addition to providing an acceptance letter from a DLI, you must demonstrate to the officer that you have satisfactory proof of financial support:

    • If the duration of your studies in Canada will be less than a year, provide proof of financial support for the duration of your studies in Canada.

    • If the duration of your studies in Canada will be more than a year, provide proof of financial support for the first year of your studies in Canada.

You must prove that you can support yourself and the family members who come with you while you are in Canada. You can prove your funds with:

  • proof of a Canadian bank account in your name, if you've transferred money to Canada

  • Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) from a participating Canadian financial institution

  • proof of a student or education loan from a bank

  • your bank statements for the past four months

  • a bank draft that can be converted to Canadian dollars

  • proof you paid tuition and housing fees

  • a letter from the person or school giving you money, or

  • proof of funding paid from within Canada, if you have a scholarship or are in a Canadian-funded educational program.